Personal Brand- What is your purpose?

Be purposeful in what you share- What are your deepest values and how does your personal brand communicate and take a stand for them?

“Many people feel reluctant to develop their personal brands for fear of being overly self-promotional or even self-commodifying.”

“Because it’s impossible to escape branding altogether, the question becomes not one of if but of how—of how your personal brand can represent a principled stand for your deepest values.”

You may not feel that you have much to offer in your opinions but you would be surprised at what value you can bring to the conversation- when talking on social and in person. You never know how you are going to meet someone and you never know what hobby or interests the other person may have that overlaps your interests.

Adding value can be a great personal brand objective. Some tips to consider when working on your personal brand. First, put yourself out there. You cant impact what you stand for by just doing nothing. Second, offer tips, offer advice, encouragement, thoughtfulness without causing the audience to be on edge- unless that is your brand.

Third, make sure it’s what you want to be known for, as your audience grows. Your topics will grow too.

Personal Brand- What are you known for? Why do you need one and what is it?

Personal Brand- Why do yo need one and what is it?

Everyone has heard the quote from Steve Jobs a brand is, “What they say about you when you leave the room.” If you equate this to you- what do people say when you leave the room?  If you have a strong work ethic or if you are known for complaining, this will follow you.  Same in your job search, if you known for being a part of a social network then people will gravitate toward you and know what you stand for.

“Not many of us have consciously cultivated these brands, but they exist nonetheless. A digital footprint in the sands of time and space crowd sourced by friends, colleagues, and bosses. According to an AVG study, 92 percent of children under the age of two already have a digital footprint.The question is no longer IF you have a personal brand, but if you choose to guide and cultivate the brand or to let it be defined on your behalf.”

Dont let all the things you should do weigh you down or cause analysis paralysis, pick one or two steps today to accomplish. Whether you are in a corporation career or starting out as solopreneur, here is a step today you can take to hone your personal brand.

  1. Get into a good habit of being a part of social community that meets your goals. this works for people in an organization and for those who want to create their own career.
  • Define your career goals- what is your 5-10-year plan?
  • Where would be the best place to learn and be apart of a community that supports that industry.
    • This can be an in-person association meeting/group– Volunteer to help out
    • Ask around – where do your friends go?
    • This can be in combination with being online- Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram
  • Offer value- do you like friends that only talk about themselves? Do you like that?

Then don’t be that kind of brand- if people only know you post to talk about how great you are doing then you will be known for that and people will shy away.  People, connections, like to feel apart, that they can understand how you feel, what you experienced, they have too.  Help them get through the experience with tips or just share that, Man, I have been there too.”

Personal Brand- What you are known for? Be known for adding value to the community you support.
