Wow, this hit me hard today. I needed to hear this. I have started my own business and boy, do I fail every day, it feels like. Every day, I plan my mindset and I discover that what I have done today may not be the best way to get clients- posting to FB groups who don’t allow you promote your own business, for example. But, I think just one more ad, one more video, one more ask for a connection, one more explanation of what my company does, and that will be the one. So I thought I would share, because maybe you are trying and failing- whether you are looking to find that right job, a job, a partner, a life. I read today that your failing until you are not. You don’t have it until you do. And that’s ok. BRILLIANT!
You will be told no more often then you will be told yes. There was some comfort in what I read today about failing. That’s its ok you don’t have what you want … until you do. So true.
What really are your options? To stop trying. I am pretty sure you have come to the conclusion that quitting isn’t an option because isn’t that the chicken’s way of failing? You quit before you fail therefore you didn’t fail? Hmmmmm. That’s a good one.
So for today- lets decide that its ok to fail until we don’t. Or better yet we found the 300th way of not landing our dream job, getting a client, finding a partner, living the life you want, and we just haven’t found the one way, yet. Benjamin Franklin would have the t-shirt for this strategy. Here are 3 tips for when you feel failure comes a calling.
Don’t give up.
Don’t give up.
Don’t give up.
Zig Ziglar, one of the greats, still has a big influence on my life- I saw him, in person, when I was about 12, my drama teacher took us all to see him. I was in the 7th grade. I lived in the Panhandle of Texas at the time and Mr. Ziglar came to our town.
Everyday, my teacher had us listen to his tapes before class started and if she wasn’t in the room when the bell rang we were to start his tape, yes, a cassette tape. Seeing him in person was so profound to me, to actually see the man, on stage, who we listened to everyday talk to us personally. Wow, I felt very important and that after that night I felt I could do anything. I wasn’t sure what the anything was, at the time, but it was a great feeling. My favorite quotes from him are – “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Attitude, not aptitude, determines altitude. Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.” Zig Ziglar