4 Content Marketing Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making (And How To Fix Them)

GVC Marketing- 4 Content Marketing Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making (And How To Fix Them)
GVC Marketing- 4 Content Marketing Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making (And How To Fix Them)

If there’s one golden rule of starting a business, it’s that you need a blog to grow. Your blog is the reason consumers come back long after they’ve purchased something from your online store. It’s also the reason that new users find your brand when they are searching on Google. Lastly, your blog is the deciding factor for many consumers when they commit to your company.

You’ll hear all kinds of tips designed to help you create a winning content marketing strategy, but do you know if you’re making any mistakes that are costing you traffic and sales? If not, we are going to cover four of the biggest content marketing mistakes you didn’t know you were making, and then we are going to tell you how to fix those problems once and for all.

Let’s dive in!

1. Failing to Capture Email Addresses

One of the most prominent mistakes marketers make when posting content on their blog is they don’t ask readers to join their email list. This mistake could cost you thousands of customers and tens of thousands of dollars. When you publish content on your blog, remember to put a call-to-action (CTA) in a prominent spot on your website. If a reader likes your content, they will subscribe to your list.

Countless benefits come with building an email list. For starters, you’ll have a direct line to talk to your target audience. Communication is vital if you want to build rapport with consumers and show them why your business is worth their time and money.

You’ll also have the ability to nurture your subscribers and help them uncover pain points, all while showing off your latest products and services. Couple this information with the fact that email marketing has a 4,400 percent return on investment, and it’s clear that successful businesses need an email list to thrive.

2. Not Optimizing for Voice Search

When you think of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you probably think of optimizing your content with keywords or phrases a consumer might type into a search engine. But are you currently optimized for voice search?

Devices like Amazon’s Echo and Apple’s Siri allow consumers to quickly and easily search Google, shop for products, and much more, with their voices. It’s estimated that by 2020, half of all searches will happen with a voice-activated device.

The best way to optimize your website for voice search is by analyzing your existing keywords and thinking about how someone might make the same request but by speaking instead of typing. For instance, instead of “seafood restaurants near me,” a consumer using voice search might say, “Where can I find a lobster dinner in Los Angeles?” Optimizing for voice search helps make your content more accessible, which translates to more traffic and sales.3. Putting Promotion over Value

Another huge issue we see content marketers make is they put their promotions over the value of their content. When your goal is to grow your following with educational and entertaining blog posts, you should put the quality of your articles over the offer at the end.

If someone comes to your website and you have a promo at the end that features a 20 dollars off coupon, they will never see your offer because they couldn’t get through the content. When you want to promote a new product, make sure you include references naturally and keep the integrity of your core piece of content.

4. Forgetting to Gather User Feedback

Finally, don’t forget to use your content marketing strategy as a way to gather feedback from your audience. Knowing what consumers think of your design, product, and industry can provide you with a wealth of information about their habits and pain points.

At the end of your post, ask an open-ended question, and encourage the audience to engage with you in the comment section. Before long, your readers will start talking to each other, and you’ll see your community blossom.

You can also gather feedback with your social media and email marketing campaigns. All of this information will help you craft content that resonates with your audience, which will make your content marketing strategy more effective. Plus, platforms like Facebook have a staggering 2.45 billion active users, making it perfect for finding plenty of people interested in your industry and brand.Conclusion

All great businesses have a high-quality blog with an engaged audience. You’ll likely make mistakes along the way, but there are ways to overcome these issues and grow your brand. As your following grows, your content marketing strategy should evolve to match the needs of your target audience.

If you’re willing to take the time to engage with consumers, optimize your site for voice search, grow your email list, and create well-written content, you’ll have no problem mastering content marketing in 2020.